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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 Jun 1950

Vol. 38 No. 7

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take the Finance Bill in Committee and at 7 o'clock to take motion No. 2 in my name regarding the Garda Síochána Pensions Order. It is not thought that that will take long and we would like if possible to take the Trade Union Bill which passed through all its stages in the Dáil this morning, so the proposal is, if there is no objection, after the Garda Síochána motion to take the Trade Union Bill. If there is an objection, of course it will not be proceeded with. I take it that there will be no time for anything but the Finance Bill and these things.

In view of the fact that the Bill is merely a continuing Bill there will be no objection from this side of the House.

Then it will be taken.

If we are not finished with the Finance Bill——

We go back to the Finance Bill, of course.
