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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Mar 1953

Vol. 41 No. 7

Fisheries (Consolidation) Bill, 1952—Message from Dáil.

The following message has been received from Dáil Eireann:—

Tá Dáil Eireann tar éis an Rún seo leanas do rith:—

Go n-aontaíonn an Dáil leis an Seanad ina Rún a cuireadh in iúl don Dáil an 25ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1953, go bhfuil sé oiriúnach an Bille Iascaigh (Comhdhlúthú), 1952, a chur faoi bhráid an Bhuan-Chomh-Choiste um Billí Comh-dhlúite.

Dáil Eireann has passed the following Resolution:—

That the Dáil concur with the Seanad in their Resolution communicated to the Dáil on the 25th day of February, 1953, that it is expedient that the Fisheries (Consolidation) Bill, 1952, be referred to the Standing Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills.

I move:—

That the Fisheries (Consolidation) Bill, 1952, be referred to the Standing Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills. That the first meeting of the Committee be held on a date not earlier than 19th March, 1953.

Question agreed to.
