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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Jun 1961

Vol. 54 No. 8

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business as on the Order Paper, down to item No. 4.

Arising out of that statement, I should like to ask when it is proposed to take my motion on parent-teacher groups which has been pending for some time and the discussion on which was started. I should like to link that query with a query as to all the other motions which have been pending for so long. I feel that time should be made available for the House to take these motions before we reach the very end of the session.

We will see what we can do about that.

I do not think it will do for the Leader of the House to say that the matter will be taken as soon as possible or that it is under consideration. Item No. 6, the Electricity Supply (Amendment) Bill, 1960, has been on the Order Paper for over a year. One wonders when that will be reached. When is it to be taken? If these things are not to be taken, we are making a laughing stock of this House and of Parliament.

Hear, hear!

The Senator will recall that on a couple of occasions I was prepared to take it but either the Senator was not available or he was not ready to take it.

That is a matter for discussion with the Leader of the House.

It is an improper statement for the Leader of the House to make.
