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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Jan 1967

Vol. 62 No. 6

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take No. 1, No. 2 and No. 5 in that order.

Could we have some indication when it is intended to take the two motions on education, one of which has been on the Order Paper for a long time? I understood in the last session that the Minister was eager to take them as soon as the debate on his Estimate was over in the Dáil. I was assuming that it would be taken today, together with the Fine Gael motion.

The Minister has agreed to be present for the motion on Investment in Education on Thursday, 2nd February.

Could the Leader of the House say when motion No. 10 is likely to be taken? I will put it this way to Senator Ryan: I do not care whether motion No. 8, 9 or 10 comes first, as long as an opportunity is given to discuss a very important issue. I should like to see the motion in my name and in the name of Senator J. Fitzgerald discussed but it is a matter for the Fine Gael Party and other Senators involved with the other motions whether they want priority. I should like to know when time will be made available and when the Minister will be available to deal with it.

I cannot say at the moment but I will inquire when the Minister will be available for that motion.

The Leader of the House will appreciate that there is an urgency about it at present.
