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Seanad Éireann debate -
Friday, 4 Aug 1967

Vol. 63 No. 16

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take No. 1.

And to sit until?

Until the Committee Stage is completed.

Until 10 tonight?

Until 10 in the morning, if necessary.

The House is entitled to a little more direction than that.

Order of Business agreed?

We should like to know what the Government's intentions are. We have been treated to this sort of thing each morning.

That is a different matter. The Order of Business has been accepted—No. 1. The House apparently wants an indication——

It is intended to conclude the Committee Stage this week and to sit as long as it will be necessary to complete this work.

Does that mean 10 o'clock tonight or is this a repeat of what we have been getting throughout the week? Is the Government machine getting crocked and does it want a rebore?

If the Senator wants to prolong it, he may do so.

We only want——

To finish the Committee Stage this week.
