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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 1 May 1975

Vol. 80 No. 9

Business of Seanad.

This is the normal time for adjournment. Does the House wish to continue?

Many Senators have been waiting to get an opportunity of getting into the debate. I think we should not sacrifice an hour and a quarter at this stage.

I propose we act in accordance with the normal procedures of this House. We have always had our lunch interval. I propose that we adjourn for an hour and a quarter.

I have a proposition from Senator Lenihan that the sitting be suspended. Is that agreed?



I do not think it is profitable for the House to enter into a long debate.

Apart from the Senators themselves, we have the staff to take into consideration, too. It had been agreed that we would break and I think that is proper.

There is one other matter I should like to mention and that is that the Secretary General of the Council of Europe is present in the Gallery at the moment. There is a luncheon in his honour as visitor to this country. It would seem to be very discourteous in this situation to break with our established procedures.

I think that matter of courtesy is a bit extraneous at the moment. A great number of Senators in the Chamber have been waiting for a long time to speak on this Bill. The opportunity of speaking becomes more remote by the hour and the moment when one might come in is equally unpredictable. It seems to me therefore that the debate should continue through lunch. Whereas the letter of the law may be in the process of being fulfilled, I do not think the law is.

I should like to add my agreement to what Senator Martin has said, while in no way intending any discourtesy to the Secretary General as mentioned by Senator Lenihan. If the Secretary General is as familiar with the processes of Parliament, which I am quite sure he is, I am equally sure he will understand what is happening here today and feel no sense of slight because of what is proposed.

The question is "That the sitting be suspended until 2 p.m."

Question put and declared lost.