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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Mar 1977

Vol. 86 No. 3

Report of Committee of Selection.

An Leas-Chathaoirleach

The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated the following Members to serve on the Joint Committee on State-Sponsored Bodies:—

Senators John S. Horgan, Patrick O'Toole, George Edward Russell and Eoin Ryan.

I move: "That the Report be laid before the Seanad."

I disagree on the grounds that there is no Independent representative on this Committee. It has been the practice in a Committee consisting of both Houses of the Oireachtas such as this to have Independent representation. While I know this happens with the agreement of the parties it is a sad thing that this tradition should be broken in this case. There are Independents sitting on important Committees of both Houses, such as the Committee dealing with European legislation, and they have made a contribution. They are willing to make a contribution and have made it clear that in this case they wished to be represented. As the person who acts as Chief Whip for the Independents I was asked some time ago by the Government Chief Whip, and I have mentioned this in Seanad debates, to nominate an Independent to sit on this Committee. As the person representing the Independents I take a dim view of the fact that, when four Members of the Seanad were selected for this Committee, there should be one from the Fianna Fáil group, one from the Labour group and two from the Fine Gael group in the Seanad. It would have been fairer if there had been three Members, one from each party, and one Independent.

I should like to register a strong protest on behalf of the Independents. We traditionally hear the complaint that people do not have time to serve on these committees. The Independents have more time and have contributed in no small way to the proceedings of the Seanad. They would like to have the opportunity to contribute further to Joint Committees of both Houses such as this Committee. I hope this is just a small break in the tradition of nominating an Independent to a Committee of both Houses and I wish to make this strong protest on behalf of the Independent Members.

An Leas-Chathaoirleach

I want briefly to inform the House that this was the unanimous decision of the Committee of Selection. In this case the Seanad were instructed that there were to be four nominees. I understand the proportions represent the political entities in the Seanad.

Question put and agreed to.
The Seanad adjourned at 4.05 p.m.sine die.