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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 22 Jun 1978

Vol. 89 No. 11

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Nos. 1, 2 and 4.

On the Order of Business, I understand that the House may be adjourning for the summer recess within the next two or three weeks and I wonder whether it is intended to give any time for the discussion on Item No. 19 on the Order Paper, the motion calling on the Government to introduce, as a matter of urgency, the comprehensive scheme of civil legal aid and advice. Since we last discussed that matter in the House there have been two developments. One was the publication of the Pringle Report and the other was the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the Mrs. Early case. I think it is a matter of considerable urgency and I would like to know whether it is intended to give some time to discuss that motion before the summer recess.

I understand that time is to be given in the Seanad for a discussion on the Green Paper. I wonder has a date been fixed for this?

In reply to Senator Molony, we endeavour to take one motion each month and the motion we hoped to take for June was a Labour Party motion. We had hoped to take that last week but the Labour Party were not ready to take it and this week the Minister was not available to take the motion. As regards this motion—a Fine Gael motion—at this stage I cannot say whether it will be taken before the recess or not. I will speak to the Minister for Justice about it when he returns from Copenhagen. We hope to have a debate on the Green Paper either in the first or second week in July. We have not finally decided a date yet but it will be either of those two weeks, not next week.

Order of Business agreed to.