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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Mar 1979

Vol. 91 No. 7

Gaming and Lotteries Bill, 1979: Committee and Final Stages.

Question proposed: "That section 1 stand part of the Bill."

Could the Minister tell me where one can find the definition of a slot machine? It does not appear to be in the Principal Act of 1956.

(Dublin South-Central): I am informed that as such there is no definition of a slot machine in the Acts.

I appreciate the urgency of this measure but one of the difficulties about taking Bills quickly is that one does not get the opportunity that one would like to consider whether better legislation could be brought before the House.

The Minister in his Second Stage contribution referred to slot machines that do not deliver a prize direct to the player when successfully operated. What type of slot machine does the Minister have in mind? For example, is a pool table that one pays money into, a slot machine?

(Dublin South-Central): The type of machine I referred to in my Second Reading speech is a machine which if one wins does not pay out directly. One must draw the attention of an attendant to the fact that the machine indicates that one has won a prize and then he will pay out accordingly.

This is a technical area and today was the first day I had an opportunity to look at this. Why differentiate between them? They are both gambling machines, the only difference being that the proprietor of the amusement centre pays one in one instance and in the other instance the machine pays out direct.

(Dublin South Central): That is correct.

Why differentiate?

(Dublin South-Central): I am informed that there is no differentiation since the passing of the 1970 Act.

I thought perhaps public telephones could be described as slot machines.

Question put and agreed to.
Section 2 agreed to.
Title agreed to.
Agreed to take remaining Stages today.
Bill reported without amendment, received for final consideration and passed.