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Seanad Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Apr 1982

Vol. 97 No. 5

Business of Seanad.

An Leas-Chathaoirleach

It is now the usual time for the Seanad to adjourn. Could the Chair have an indication of what is the intention of the House?

It is a question of whether we should sit tomorrow or Friday week. Friday week in many ways would be more satisfactory. There is the difficulty that if some amendments were passed the Dáil would have to be recalled and there would be a very serious time constraint in those circumstances.

Perhaps I could assist the Leader of the House. Very strong views were expressed on the fair rents tribunal but no vote was taken on that issue. I can envisage only one possible issue on which a vote might be taken and even then I could not say that it will be taken. The idea would be to examine thoroughly the provisions of the Bill but not to impede it or cause unnecessary problems, because we are as concerned as the Minister is to see this legislation enacted on time.

Friday week, that is, Friday, 16 April. I have one problem about Friday week. The President has to have this legislation in his hands seven days before 25 April.

Could we have a motion for earlier signature?

This is not a Bill for a motion for earlier signature. I think the Senator will accept that. I do not want to tie her to assurances with regard to votes. That would not be fair from my point of view. At the same time, we are really pushing it to the end of the road by leaving it until Friday week.

I know from my own colleagues that Friday would be a more suitable date for them and I think it would be a more sutiable date for other Senators. A number of issues need to be clarified but it certainly would not be my intention or that of the Labour group to obstruct the passage of this Bill or to cause unnecessary difficulty in relation to the Bill.

Obviously it is not our objective to obstruct, but I could give no guarantee that some of the other items would not go to a vote. The likelihood is that they will not go to a vote.

I accept that.

I would be very much in the hands of my colleagues. It would depend on their frame of mind at the time. It is a matter for them rather than for myself.

I trust they will all feel at peace with the world at that stage, having got in all their votes.

The Minister is likely to find them more co-operative than he will find me.

The only problem is that the President has to get the Bill seven days before 25 April.

What about Wednesday, 14 April?

We will leave it to 16 April.

It is proposed to adjourn until 16 April and to meet at 12 noon.

The Seanad adjourned at 8.35 p.m. until 12 noon on Friday, 16 April 1982.
