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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 1 Jul 1982

Vol. 98 No. 7

Joint Committee on State-Sponsored Bodies: Message from Dáil.

Dáil Éireann has made the following Order:—
(1) That a Select Committee consisting of 7 members of Dáil Éireann (none of whom shall be a member of the Government or a Minister of State) be appointed to be joined with a Select Committee to be appointed by Seanad Éireann to form a Joint Committee (which shall be called the Joint Committee on State-Sponsored Bodies) to examine the Reports and Accounts and overall operational results of State-sponsored bodies engaged in trading or commercial activities referred to in Schedule A hereto and the trading and/or commercial aspects of the Reports and Accounts and overall operational results of the State-sponsored body referred to in Schedule B hereto and to report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas and make recommendations where appropriate.
(2) That, after consultation with the Joint Committee, the Minister for the Public Service with the agreement of the Minister for Finance may include from time to time the names of further State-sponsored bodies engaged in trading or commercial activities in the Schedules and, with the consent of the Joint Committee and the Minister for Finance, may delete from the Schedules the names of any bodies which he considers no longer to be State-sponsored bodies engaged in trading or commercial activities.
(3) That, if so requested by a State-sponsored body, the Joint Committee shall refrain from publishing confidential information regarding the body's activities and plans.
(4) That the Joint Committee shall have power to send for persons, papers and records and, subject to the consent of the the Minister for Public Service, to engage the services of persons with specialist or technical knowledge to assist it for the purpose of particular enquiries.
(5) That the Joint Committee, previous to the commencement of business, shall elect one of its members to be Chairman, who shall have only one vote.
(6) That all questions in the Joint Committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting and in the event of there being an equality of votes the question shall be decided in the negative.
(7) That the Joint Committee shall have power to print and publish from time to time minutes of evidence taken before it together with such related documents as it thinks fit.
(8) That every report which the Joint Committee proposes to make under this Order shall on adoption by the Joint Committee be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas forthwith whereupon the Joint Committee shall be empowered to print and publish such report together with such related documents as it thinks fit.
(9) That 4 members of the Joint Committee shall form a Quorum of whom at least 1 shall be a member of Dáil Éireann and at least 1 shall be a member of Seanad Éireann.
Schedule A
Aer Lingus, Teoranta
Aerlinte Éireann, Teoranta
Aer Rianta, Teoranta
The Agricultural Credit Corporation, Limited
Arramara Teoranta
Bord na Móna
British & Irish Steam Packet Company Limited
Ceimicí, Teoranta
Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, Teoranta
Córas Iompair Éireann
Electricity Supply Board
Fóir Teoranta
Industrial Credit Company, Limited
The Irish Gas Board
Irish Life Assurance Company Limited
The Irish National Petroleum Corporation Limited
The Irish National Stud Company, Limited
Irish Shipping Limited
Irish Steel Holdings Limited
Min Fhéir (1959) Teoranta
National Building Agency Limited
Nítrigin Éireann Teoranta
Óstlanna Iompair Éireann Teoranta
Radio Telefís Éireann
Voluntary Health Insurance Board.
Schedule B
Údarás na Gaeltachta.