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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 Nov 1984

Vol. 106 No. 4

Business of Seanad.

An Leas-Chathaoirleach

I would like to remind the Senators that items Nos. 7 and 8 are being taken with item No. 6. There is no Senator in possession. We will now take item No. 6 and with it items Nos. 7 and 8.

I made some remarks this morning on the Order of Business in regard to the manner in which this House is treated by the Dáil. When I see how this House has conducted itself from the lunch time interval one can hardly blame the Dáil for paying such scant respect, because the Seanad itself is treating itself with very scant respect. Senators knew what the Order of Business was this morning. Senator knew that items Nos. 13, 5 and 6 were to be taken and yet we have found the Chair in the position in which when item No. 13 had been disposed of, of looking around in bewilderment as no Senator offered. Again, we have the position that Senator Higgins finished his contribution. Some Senators will come around complaining that they did not get an opportunity to speak and yet when there was the opportunity to speak they were not here in the House. This is a matter for very, very serious regret and I feel, having made remarks about the way in which we had been treated with scant respect by the way in which certain business had been transmitted to us, it is only fair that I should be similarly critical of ourselves.
