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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Feb 1988

Vol. 118 No. 13

Request Under Standing Order 29.

Before I call the Minister I have had notice from Senator David Norris regarding a motion which he wishes to move under Standing Order 29.

I wish to move under Standing Order 29 that there be an emergency debate on the subject of the impending demolition of three important houses by the Mater Hospital in Eccles Street. The hospital, having already destroyed entirely one side of the street, has now begun to destroy the opposite side of the street, using legal tactics to do so. It is a matter of very considerable national importance that, during the Millennium Year, the destruction of Dublin is still continuing. Legal guises are being employed in order to do this and an injunction is being sought.

Notice of the matter, Senator, and not a speech.

If I might just finish this point. The reason I consider it to be of particular importance is that these houses are listed in the draft development plan for the city of Dublin. The hospital is clearly undermining the whole planning process. I wish to move this motion under Standing Order 29.

I have given careful consideration to the matter raised by Senator Norris and I do not consider it as a matter contemplated by Standing Order 29. I regret, therefore, that I have to rule it out of order.

I regret your decision but I accept it and you will no doubt not be surprised to hear that I hope to be allowed to use the provisions of the debate on tourism, particularly under the section of cultural tourism, to refer extensively to this matter.

We will deal with that later.
