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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Mar 1988

Vol. 119 No. 3

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take items Nos. 1, 2 and 3. There will be a break for lunch at 1 p.m. Tomorrow we will take the Second Stage of the Social Welfare Bill commencing at 10.30 a.m. The Committee Stage will be taken on Tuesday of next week.

A Chathaoirligh, may I raise something on the Order of Business which gives me some concern and which I am sure concerns other Senators as well? It is the atmosphere in the room particularly when it is crowded as, for example, at the vote last night. I am convinced that the ventilation is not sufficient and that the atmosphere in which we work in the Chamber is not a healthy atmosphere. I mean that in the actual literal and physical sense. I note that there have been extractor vents put in the windows. Does that mean that the windows cannot be opened. Perhaps you have something to say to us about this. I would like the matter to be referred to the Committee on Procedure and Privileges if that is a suitable place for it to be discussed further.

I am glad the Senator raised the point because it is something which I have been dealing with since we moved into the new Chamber. These ventilators were put in and are not at all successful. Those of us who are here all the time are more aware of the atmosphere. I will again deal with the matter with Mr. Coughlan.

On the Order of Business, would it be appropriate for this House to send their best wishes to the two sides in the difficult warring situation in Nicaragua, the Sandanistas and the Contras, who have this morning signed a peace agreement?

I do not think this arises on the Order of Business.

This House in the past has expressed its concern in this regard and now that they have achieved at least an interim peaceful settlement, would it not be appropriate for this House to express its good wishes to both sides? Maybe they will act as a guiding light for other people.

Senator John A. Murphy.

I rise in the total security that I am going to ask an appropriate question. Could the Leader of the House tell us if it is proposed to transact any business next week other than the Committee Stage of the Social Welfare Bill?

In reply to Senator Murphy, I do not think so. The other two points raised would be more in your field, a Chathaoirligh.

Order of Business agreed to.