This legislation has had a difficult passage through both Houses since the Minister initiated it in the Seanad in November 1993. It was a further 12 months before Committee Stage was taken and at that point it had been subject to quite a number of changes. Many of these improved the basic concept of the Bill, which was to give effect to adoptive leave for couples adopting a child. At the time, all sides of the House welcomed the Bill.
On Committee Stage, the Bill underwent quite a number of changes as a result of changes in other legislation. Despite attempts to amend the Bill by what is now the Government side of the House, the amendments were not considered necessary and the Bill proceeded to the other House, where it was amended. The Minister described these amendments as technical, to take account of certain changes in law since the Bill was initiated. However, I am not sure that those amendments were not known when Committee Stage was taken in the Seanad.
I am open to correction but I understood that when the Bill came before the House the Minister was attempting to grant adoptive leave to either spouse. I am not fully aware whether that was the point at which the legislation stood but speakers on both sides said that would be a most welcome innovation and that there was an absolute need for this type of legislation otherwise people adopting children would not have the same rights and entitlements as those who gave birth naturally. More importantly, all sides recognised that there was a particular need for adoptive parents to bond with the child. I note that the amendments proposed by my colleague, Deputy Woods, in the other House tried to achieve the objective of allowing adoptive leave to either spouse. The Minister did not accept those amendments and this does not reflect the tone of the debate in this House when the Bill was initiated in 1993.
I had hoped the Minister would have explained the technical reasons for the amendments rather than simply stating, for example, that a section was technically amended with reference to the Maternity Protection Act, 1994. I had hoped he would tell the House what changes had taken place since the Bill was initiated and passed by the Seanad to warrant these amendments.
The section which allows for an additional week of leave is welcome. I ask the Minister to tell me if he is happy with the fact that I, as an adopting parent, given an additional week of leave by——