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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 16 May 2001

Vol. 166 No. 13

Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Bill, 2001: Order for Second Stage.

Bill entitled an Act to make further provision in relation to transport, to establish a body to be known as the Railway Procurement Agency or, in the Irish language, as An Ghníomhaireacht um Fháil Iarnród, and to define its functions, to enable the Minister for Public Enterprise to authorise, by order, the construction, operation and maintenance of railways, to provide for the on-street regulation of light railways, to make further provision in relation to Córas Iompair Éireann, to repeal sections 2 to 11 of the Transport Act, 1963, and the Transport (Dublin Light Rail) Act, 1996, and to provide for connected matters.

I move: "That Second Stage be taken today."

Question put and agreed to.