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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Jul 2013

Vol. 225 No. 8

Business of Seanad

I have notice from Senator Colm Burke that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Health to have the HSE review the current practice of sending medical samples directly to overseas laboratories in view of the fact that the necessary expertise to carry out this work is available within Ireland.

I have also received notice from Senator Mary Moran of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Health to address the funding issues in St. Mary's Drumcar, County Louth, resulting in the recent announcement of the closure of catering facilities for those with an intellectual disability in day services.

I have also received notice from Senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh of the following matter:

Cén barántas gur féidir leis an Aire Comhshaoil tabhairt do phobal na hÉireann go bhfuil sé sábháilte dóibh uisce a ól ó na córais soláthar uisce poiblí, go h-áirithe an 47 córas atá aitheanta ar an liosta EPA RAL reatha, a ndeirtear go bhfuil siad i mbaol ó cryptosporidiosis.

I regard the matters raised by Senators Colm Burke and Moran as suitable for discussion on the Adjournment and they will be taken at the conclusion of business. I regret I have had to rule out of order the matter raised by Senator Ó Clochartaigh as the Minister has no official responsibility in the matter.
