I thank the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald for coming to the House.
Women from County Kerry undergo breast surgery, when required, in the centre of excellence in Cork. Following surgery, the breast care nurse does the first fitting, after which women can access specialist bra or prosthesis fitting services in the community. This is not the case in County Kerry, however, and it is the reason I have tabled this Adjournment matter. In Kerry General Hospital, the nurse deals with all cancer patients and is not dedicated full-time to the care of breast cancer patients. This places great demands on the nurse, and her time for fitting bras and prostheses for breast cancer patients is limited.
We are looking for a place in County Kerry where women can go to have a fitting for their bra or prosthesis in private. If one needs a wig following cancer treatment, one can go to Boots and can avail of a cubicle while they fit the wig. We are looking for a similar service for women who have had mastectomies and are wearing prostheses.
A prosthesis needs to be fitted by a specialist. The body shape can change when a woman has a single mastectomy and the garment needs to be fitted properly. While I know the Minister will tell me there is a service in County Kerry, this is very limited and many women are directed to Cork. We are the only county in the country in which the women must go to the breast care nurse for a fitting, while in other areas, the women can go directly to specialists without having to go through the hospital.
I will await the Minister's reply and comment further at that stage.