I have received notice from Senator Paul Bradford of a motion he wishes to raise under Standing Order 30. I call on him to give notice of the motion.
Requests to move Adjournment of Seanad under Standing Order 30
I seek the adjournment of the Seanad to discuss a specific and important matter of public interest, the concerns raised by a whistleblower that the Department of Finance and the Central Bank were treated in a different manner than other witnesses who had appeared before the Oireachtas Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis. On this the last day of the session before the summer recess, I genuinely believe this matter requires public ventilation. There is grave concern that some witnesses who have appeared before the banking inquiry appear to have been treated differently from others. There is a concern that certain members were made aware of this allegation before all members of the committee were made so aware. In the interests of equality and transparency, we need to have the matter clarified in this House immediately on behalf of the people.
Having given careful consideration to the matter raised, I do not consider it to be one contemplated by Standing Order 30. I regret, therefore, that I must rule it out of order.
I appreciate the Cathaoirleach's decision, but is he in a position to advise me of any other manner by which the matter could be clarified? It is crucial that the banking inquiry be seen to act in a fully fair, transparent and open fashion.
The matter has been in the public domain since last week. A motion on it could have been tabled earlier. I do not know of any other way by which it may be raised at this point.