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Seanad Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Oct 2015

Vol. 242 No. 11

Business of Seanad

I have received notice from Senator Paschal Mooney that, on the motion for the Commencement of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to outline his Department's proposals for the development of the greenway from Sligo to Enniskillen, via Manorhamilton, and to indicate if he will provide the necessary funding for its development.

I have also received notice from Senator John Kelly of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform to abolish the pensions levy for retained firefighters, as it does not entitle them to a pension.

I have also received notice from Senator Sean D. Barrett of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Health to review the planned sale of Baggot Street Hospital in the context of the need for more hospital beds in general and the large increase in the population and employment in inner city Dublin and to consider whether the sale should be cancelled.

I have also received notice from Senator Paul Bradford of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government to estimate the number of local authority houses which are unoccupied and the number of privately owned properties in the State which are unoccupied and to state his plans to make these properties available for letting.

I have also received notice from Senator Gerard P. Craughwell of the following matter:

The need for the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to outline what steps are being taken to preserve and excavate the Bronze Age track at Mayne Bog, Coole, County Westmeath.

I regard the matters raised by the Senators as suitable for discussion. I have selected the matters raised by Senators Paschal Mooney, John Kelly, Sean D. Barrett and Paul Bradford and they will be taken now. Senator Gerard P. Craughwell may give notice on another day of the matter he wishes to raise.
