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Seanad Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 26 Sep 2017

Vol. 253 No. 4

Oireachtas Committees: Motion

I move:


(a) the Select Committee on Rural and Community Development is hereby appointed–

(i) pursuant to, and to perform the functions set out in, Standing Order 70A, in respect of the Department of Rural and Community Development, and

(ii) with the Orders of Reference of Select Committees contained in the Order of the Seanad of 21st July, 2016;

(b) the Committees listed in column (1) of the Schedule below are re-named in accordance with column (2), to perform the functions set out in Standing Order 70A in respect of the Government Departments listed in column (3), in accordance with any changes in Departmental administration and Ministerial functions;

(c) the Committees shall otherwise continue in being, with the same membership, Chair and Orders of Reference;

(d) pursuant to any changes in Departmental administration and Ministerial functions, papers shall transfer as appropriate between Committees, and, notwithstanding any previous Orders of Referral, Bills and motions shall stand referred to the Committee performing the functions set out in Standing Order 70A in respect of the relevant Department;

Provided that where a Committee has made substantial progress in the consideration of a matter which would, pursuant to this Order, cease to be within that Committee’s remit, and it has resolved to make a report on the matter, it may, having given notice to the Committee to whose remit the matter now relates, complete its consideration and make such report not later than 31st January 2018.



Current Committee name


New Committee Name


Government Department

Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Business, Enterprise and Innovation

Business, Enterprise and Innovation

Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs

Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Social Protection

Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government

Housing, Planning and Local Government

Housing, Planning and Local Government

Question put and agreed to.