I move: "That Second Stage be taken today."
Children's Health Bill 2018: Order for Second Stage
Bill entitled an Act to provide for the enhancement of children’s health services and for that purpose to establish a body to be known as Children’s Health Ireland to plan and deliver paediatric services; to provide for the transfer of employees, land, property, rights and liabilities of Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin to Children’s Health Ireland; to provide for the transfer of employees, property, rights and liabilities of the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street to Children’s Health Ireland; to provide for the transfer of certain employees, property, rights and liabilities of the Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin, incorporating the National Children’s Hospital to Children’s Health Ireland; to provide for the transfer of certain employees, property, rights and liabilities of the Health Service Executive to Children’s Health Ireland; to provide for an additional function of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board and to transfer certain property, rights and liabilities of that Board to Children’s Health Ireland and to provide for the dissolution of that Board; and to provide for related matters.
Question put and agreed to.