The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated the following members to serve on the Seanad Select Committee on Scrutiny of Draft EU-related Statutory Instruments: Senators Niall Blaney, Lynn Boylan, Maria Byrne, Lorraine Clifford Lee, Martin Conway, Mark Daly, Alice-Mary Higgins, Vincent P. Martin, Michael McDowell, Joe O'Reilly and Marie Sherlock.
The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated the following members to serve on the Seanad Public Consultation Committee: Senators Lisa Chambers, Regina Doherty and Joe O'Reilly.
The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated Senator Regina Doherty to serve on the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications in place of Senator Jerry Buttimer consequential on his election as Cathaoirleach.
The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated Senator Tim Lombard to serve on the Joint Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsmen in place of Senator Jerry Buttimer consequential on his election as Cathaoirleach.
The Committee of Selection reports that it has nominated the following members to serve on the Joint Committee on Assisted Dying: Senators Annie Hoey, Rónán Mullen, Fiona O'Loughlin, Lynn Ruane and Mary Seery Kearney.
I move: "That the report be laid before the Seanad."