I have received notice from the following Senators that they propose to raise the following matters:
Senator Vincent P. Martin - The need for the Minister for Education to make a statement on the provision of school bus places for pupils attending school in Maynooth, County Kildare, from the Rathcoffey-Straffan area.
Senator Tom Clonan - The need for the Minister for Education to make a statement on the Department of Education 2007 circular that limits eligible students to only spending two years in a special language class.
Senator Mary Seery Kearney - The need for the Minister for Health to make a statement on the decision to move all nurses from the Curlew Road health centre to the Armagh Road health centre in Crumlin, leaving Drimnagh without a public health nurse.
Senator Aidan Davitt - The need for the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to update planning legislation to permit the extension of previously granted one-off rural planning permissions for an additional five years.
Senator Malcolm Byrne - The need for the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to provide an update on the use by local authorities of CCTV to combat illegal dumping and any campaign aimed at tackling littering and illegal dumping.
Senator Garret Ahearn - The need for the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment to make a statement on measures to support employees in the technology sector at risk of redundancies.
Senator Maria Byrne - The need for the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to provide an update on actions being taken to ensure the reduction in household charges by energy suppliers.
Senator Lynn Boylan - The need for the Minister for Transport to use the powers available under section 8 of the Road Safety Authority Act 2006 to direct the Road Safety Authority to publish statistics relating to road safety.
Senator Sharon Keogan - The need for the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to make a statement on the process of selection of recipients for funding for projects from unspent moneys from schemes for the Traveller and Roma communities, migrant integration and Magdalen laundries redress fund.
Senator Timmy Dooley - The need for the Minister for Transport to ensure adequate funding is provided to local authorities for the reinstatement and improvement of the road network within their jurisdiction.
Senator Rónán Mullen - The need for the Minister for Transport to make a statement on the introduction of E10 petrol in Ireland and to outline the position for vehicles that cannot operate on the E10 blend.
Senator Emer Currie - The need for the Minister for Health to provide an update on the statutory regulation of psychologists.
Of the matters raised by the Senators that are suitable for discussion, I have selected Senators Martin, Clonan, Seery Kearney and Davitt and they will be taken now. The other Senators may give notice on another day of the matters they wish to raise.