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Select Committee on Finance and General Affairs debate -
Thursday, 12 Dec 1996


I move amendment No. 21:

In page 6, to delete lines 14 and 15.

Amendment agreed to.
Question: "That sections 9 to 11, inclusive, be deleted from the Bill", put and agreed to.

I move amendment No. 22:

In page 6 to delete lines 23 and 24.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments No. 23 and 24 form a composite proposal.

I move amendment No. 23:

In page 6, lines 25 and 26, to delete "insertion of the following paragraph after section 112" and substitute "addition to section 112 at the end thereof of the following".

These drafting amendments provide for the addition of the paragraph in question to the new sentence at the end of section 112 of the 1992 Act.

Amendment agreed to.

I move amendment No. 24:

In page 6, to delete lines 27 to 29, and substitute the following:

"‘The returning officer shall, where practicable, ensure that the place duly appointed under this section at which votes will be counted is accessible to wheelchair users.'.".

Amendment agreed to.
Amendment No. 25 not moved.

I move amendment No. 26:

In page 6, between lines 29 and 30, to insert the following subsection:

"(2) Article 74 of the Local Elections Regulations, 1995, is hereby amended by the addition of the following sub-article after sub-article (2):

‘(3) The returning officer shall, where practicable, ensure that the place duly appointed under sub-article (2) at which votes will be counted is accessible to wheelchair users.'.".

Amendment agreed to.
Section 12, as amended, agreed to.