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Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008

Votes 1 to 18 — Finance.

The meeting is in public session. Before the committee begins its business, I want, on my own behalf and that of the committee, to wish the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance every success in his position of leader-elect and Taoiseach-elect. It is a great honour for the Minister and his family and we wish him health and time in the position, and good fortune for the future.

On 21 February 2008 the Dáil ordered that the following Revised Estimates for Public Services be referred to this committee for consideration: the finance group of Votes 1-18. Yesterday the Dáil referred a further Revised Estimate in regard to Vote 6, Office of the Minister for Finance. The brief which members have already received takes account of this further referral and will be considered today.

A draft timetable for the meeting has been circulated. It allows for opening statements by the Minister and the Opposition spokespersons to be followed by an open discussion on the Votes. Is this timetable agreed? Agreed.

I wish to thank the Minister——

The Minister for Finance has indicated that the timing of this is perhaps not the most suitable. I have no objection in principle to facilitating a change in time. The Minister has many affairs on his mind today and I believe the committee would feel he is entitled to deal with them. I would be quite disposed to the meeting occurring on another day. There is important work to be done and we should give time to it. We should also give the Minister the opportunity to do the things that are timely for him. If there is a question of postponement I am quite happy with that.

I am in the hands of the committee and I would welcome such an agreement. If it is generally agreed that that should be the case I will declare this meeting adjourned.

Before that is done I will take the opportunity to congratulate the Minister on his appointment as leader of Fianna Fáil. It is a tremendous honour. I know that it was expected by many so that it has not come as a great surprise but nonetheless it is a considerable honour. I know that he has a great record of service in the House and indeed I marked him long ago when he was spokesman and Minister for Labour. I have spent a long time tracking his career, from a few steps behind for most of the time, unfortunately. I have certainly enjoyed my relationship with him. He is a straight talker and I believe he can bring energy to the Office of Taoiseach. I certainly hope that he will.

As the Minister will know, I have many suggestions and the odd criticism of what has gone before. The Chinese talk about the curse of living in interesting times. When the Minister becomes Taoiseach he will have that opportunity. The world as we know it is changing rapidly and many challenges are being thrown up for Ireland. I wish the Minister well in taking up the highest office in the land and I look forward to working with him on whatever opportunities we will have to meet. The committee will certainly meet with him when he presents the Taoiseach's Estimate. I wish him well.

I am grateful for the Deputy's sentiments and thank him most sincerely. In the past week or so there have been a number of changes and arrangements. I would like to come back as Minister for Finance to complete this process and will do so as soon as possible. On the day that is in it I appreciate the sentiments and it probably would be helpful for me to be elsewhere at the moment.

I wish the Minister well in his future role and capacity. I think all members look forward to engaging and interesting exchanges. There is much to be debated in terms of where the country is going and the difficulties that have been accumulating in recent times. The Minister has been very clear in his presentation to this committee and in the House about his commitment to the ethos of public service. I hope that will continue when he is Taoiseach.

We hope, of course, to exchange chairs one day and look forward to the run into that. I wish the Minister the best of luck and it has been nice knowing him on the finance committee.

I declare the meeting adjourned to reconvene for a consideration of these Estimates.

The select committee adjourned at 2.38 p.m. sine die.