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Special Committee Companies Bill, 1962 debate -
Tuesday, 5 Feb 1963


I move amendment No. 28 :

To add a new subsection as follows :

" () Where new shares are issued by a company on the terms that, within a period not exceeding 12 months, they will rank pari passu for all purposes with all the existing shares, or all the existing shares of a particular class, in the company, neither the new shares nor the corresponding existing shares need have distinguishing numbers so long as all of them are fully paid up and rank pari passu but the share certificates of the new shares shall, if not numbered, be appropriately worded or enfaced.”

This arises out of the Jenkins Report. Its object is to ensure that a company will not be prevented from availing of the concession set out in subsection (2) merely by reason of the fact that some new shares which it proposes to issue will not, until some time has passed, rank pari passu, for all purposes, with existing shares. It was represented to the Jenkins Committee that companies issuing new shares, which were not to rank for dividend for some time, had difficulty under this head, and subsection (2) requires that the shares must rank pari passu for all purposes with the existing shares.

If shares are not numbered, how is a record kept ?

Why all the heavy weather about numbering ? What is the objection to numbering ?

It is unnecessary trouble.

Is it that much trouble ?

Yes. If you had to check backwards and forwards, trying to see where the blazes No. 671 has got to, you would see it is a lot of trouble.

It depends on how your share register is kept.

You always get cross things coming in. It adds an inconceivable amount of trouble and prevents you keeping your share register in proper form.

Does this mean there is no actual number of the shares opposite a person's name ?

No. There is a record of the number held by each.

There is nothing to stop anybody who wants to go on numbering shares continuing to do so ?

Amendment agreed to.
Section 80, as amended, agreed to.