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Special Committee on Covid-19 Response debate -
Tuesday, 28 Jul 2020

Business of Special Committee

We have a quorum and are in public session. We have been notified that the following Deputies will substitute for their party colleagues: Deputies Crowe, Devlin, Durkan, Hourigan, Leddin, McAuliffe, Murnane O'Connor, Murphy, O'Rourke, O'Sullivan, Quinlivan and Wynne.

I take it that the ten items of correspondence received are noted.

We will resume consideration of our draft report on nursing homes at 3.30 p.m. today, with a view to publication later this week. We also have a report on testing and tracing and an interim progress report to consider. It is unlikely that we will have sufficient time to deal with all of these but we will consider these matters in further detail at 3.30 p.m. today.
