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Human Rights Issues.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 28 January 2004

Wednesday, 28 January 2004

Questions (184)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


303 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if the report by Amnesty International outlining human rights violations inside the EU has been brought to his attention; and his views on the recommendations of Amnesty International's Human Rights Begin at Home campaign. [2438/04]

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The recently published Amnesty International report refers to general EU human rights policy and contains proposals with regard to human rights issues both within the EU states and worldwide in the context of the Irish and Dutch presidencies of the EU Council during 2004.

In so far as the report deals with the area of justice and home affairs, e.g. judicial co-operation, the European arrest warrant, police co-operation, racism and discrimination, a common European asylum system, immigration and borders, violence against women and human trafficking, the views of Amnesty International as set out in the report have been noted. Other areas in the report are matters for the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
