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Crime Levels.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 January 2004

Thursday, 29 January 2004

Questions (142)

Ciarán Cuffe


141 Mr. Cuffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will make a statement regarding the bank raids that took place on 16 January 2004 at banks in Blackrock, County Dublin, in close proximity to the Garda station; and his views on the Garda response. [2599/04]

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I am informed by the Garda authorities that on the afternoon of 16 January 2004, the National Irish Bank in Blackrock was raided by two males, resulting in the theft of a sum of money. I am further informed that on the same afternoon two raiders entered the adjacent Allied Irish Bank and made their escape with a sum of money. I am informed that gardaí were on the scene within a few minutes and that both these crimes are under active investigation.

The Deputy will be aware that Blackrock Garda station is now situated at the junction of the Blackrock bypass and Sweetmans Avenue while the two institutions involved are situated at the top of the Main Street on Rock Hill approximately a quarter of a mile distant from the Garda station. The investigation of these crimes is an operational matter for the gardaí and I am sure the Deputy will appreciate that it would be inappropriate for me to comment further at this stage.

Question No. 142 answered with QuestionNo. 6.