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Job Creation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 January 2004

Thursday, 29 January 2004

Questions (80)

Dan Boyle


76 Mr. Boyle asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of new jobs provided and lost in the Cork south central constituency for 2003. [2613/04]

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The board of management of Clare LES advised FÁS on 15 December last that they were discontinuing operations effective from 30 January 2004.

A meeting was held in the Dáil on Wednesday, 21 January 2004, between the Minister for labour affairs and representatives of Clare local employment service staff to discuss the imminent closure of the Clare LES. Also present were a number of other Clare public representatives including the Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science, a union representative, two departmental officials and two representatives of FÁS.

It was pointed out that while the board of Clare LES is made up of representatives from the statutory and voluntary sectors, and the operation of the service is funded by FÁS, it is nonetheless a separate legal entity and the Minister for labour affairs has no function in relation to the internal workings of a body of this kind.

The Minister did, however, agree to ask FÁS to immediately commence an assessment of the labour market data and needs of the Clare region in the context of the closure of the LES. This assessment will include the type and level of a dedicated employment service necessary to address the needs of marginalised client groups in the region, including structures, management, staffing and other relevant requirements of any such service.
