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Medicinal Products.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 February 2004

Tuesday, 24 February 2004

Questions (260)

Pat Carey


361 Mr. Carey asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason nicotine replacement therapy patches are available to medical card holders and not to subscribers to the drugs subsidisation scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5622/04]

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My decision to make nicotine replacement therapies available to medical card holders was taken on foot of recommendations made by the cardiovascular health strategy group and the advisory forum established to support the task force in the implementation of strategy.

A common list of reimbursable medicines is in place for the general medical services scheme and the drugs payment scheme to ensure equity in a range of medicines paid for by the State. A product must satisfy a number of criteria for it to become a reimbursable item under both schemes. These include not being advertised or promoted and being prescription only. Nicotine replacement therapies belong to a category of products that would not normally satisfy these criteria. They are generally available over the counter and may be advertised directly to the public.

In light of the recommendations that have been made to me I have decided, as an exceptional measure, to make the full range of nicotine replacement therapies available on prescription to medical card holders. Evidence shows that lower socio-economic groups have a higher incidence of smoking and spend a higher proportion of disposable income on tobacco. Accordingly, this group is in greatest need of assistance to quit smoking.
