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Driving Licences.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 2 March 2004

Tuesday, 2 March 2004

Questions (274)

Olwyn Enright


355 Ms Enright asked the Minister for Transport the reason there is a requirement for an eye test for those over 70; his views on whether this requirement is discriminatory; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6952/04]

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A first-time application for a provisional licence must be accompanied by an eyesight report. An application for a provisional licence or driving licence is required in certain instances to be accompanied by a medical report. These include instances in which the applicant will be aged 70 years or more when the licence takes effect or suffers from any of a specified list of disabilities or diseases, including diplopia, defective binocular vision or loss of visual field. These provisions are in line with general EU requirements regarding medical standards and periodic assessment of licence holders, and are in the interest of the individuals concerned, other road users, and road safety generally.
