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Private Provision of Health Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 March 2004

Wednesday, 3 March 2004

Questions (44)

Bernard Allen


115 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will clarify his Department’s policy in respect of the private provision of health services and specifically if there is a procurement policy; and if not, if one is envisaged in respect of areas of new and costly private provision such as dialysis and radiotherapy and in the less specialist but equally important area of nursing home provision. [6924/04]

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The provision of private health care has been a long-standing feature of the Irish health care system. The issue of procurement of services from the private health care sector, including the areas referred to by the Deputy, is a matter for individual health agencies in the first instance.

Health agencies, in line with all agencies spending public funds, are required to comply with the public procurement law regime. The regime applies to the procurement of works, services and supplies by agencies financed in whole or in part by public funds.
