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Civil Service Appointments.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 March 2004

Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Questions (153)

Joe Costello


146 Mr. Costello asked the Minister for Finance the number of persons who were blacklisted for public service appointments in each decade since 1960; the criteria used to blacklist them; if there is a list of names of persons in the Civil Service and Local Appointments Commission who are blacklisted; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8874/04]

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Under the Civil Service Commissioners Act 1956, the Civil Service Commissioners are responsible for selection procedures for appointment to the Civil Service. Applicants for posts in the Civil Service must go through the competitive procedures set out by the commissioners which may involve short-listing, tests, interviews, and other checks before a final appointment is made by the commissioners. The commissioners must, in common with other employers, ensure that an applicant is qualified for the post being applied for by, among other things, validating their educational qualifications, health status, as well as obtaining statements from referees and character reports. Details of the outcome of the procedures used by the commissioners to check a candidate's suitability are confidential in the interests of both the service and the applicant.
