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Schools Building Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 March 2004

Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Questions (272)

Pat Rabbitte


272 Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Education and Science his plans concerning schools provision in the Laytown and Bettystown area; if his attention has been drawn to the widespread concern of local parents; if there is a strategic educational plan for this area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9013/04]

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As I recently announced, over the remainder of this year a new school planning model involving published area development plans will be piloted in five areas. Included in the pilot scheme is the south Louth and mid Meath region, which covers the area referred to by the Deputy.

The purpose of this new approach to school planning is to ensure that, in future, the provision of school infrastructure will be decided only after a transparent consultation process. In this regard, parents, trustees, sponsors of prospective new schools and all interested parties in an area will have the opportunity to have their voices heard in the process.

Following the consultation process, individual plans will set out the blueprint for schools' development in an area covering a period of up to ten years. In this way, the education needs at both primary and post primary levels in the Laytown-Bettystown area to cater for the rapidly expanding population in the area will be assessed as part of development plan to be drawn up for the area.
