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Mental Health Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 March 2004

Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Questions (405)

Brendan Howlin


405 Mr. Howlin asked the Minister for Health and Children if his attention has been drawn to the fact that, in County Wexford, the adult mental health services have no high support medium secure hostels or units, no psychologists, no social workers and no occupational therapists; his views on whether an adult mental health service without such resources is adequate to meet the needs of persons with mental illness or learning disabilities in County Wexford; when funding for the provision of such vital resources will be made available to the South Eastern Health Board; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9033/04]

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With regard to the Wexford mental health services, I am informed by the South Eastern Health Board that it has advertised for psychologists and these interviews are scheduled to take place in the near future. The board has also advised that interviews are taking place for the senior social worker post the week beginning 29 March and a basic grade post is due to be filled by a newly qualified social worker in May-June of this year.

The South Eastern Health Board has experienced difficulties filling the senior occupational therapy post and the post will be advertised again next week. However, the board expects to be in a position to offer a basic grade post to a newly qualified graduate in the near future.

The South Eastern Health Board acknowledges that there are ongoing difficulties in recruiting allied health professionals and a number of different recruitment initiatives have been implemented in an effort to recruit these grades. I am satisfied with the measures being taken by the South Eastern Health Board to overcome the current staffing difficulties which are not related to the provision of funding.

Within the Wexford mental health service there are two high support hostels for people who are in the process of being rehabilitated back into the community. However, there are no high support medium secure hostels or units for people with serious challenging behaviour. The provision of appropriate accommodation for this particular group of patients is being considered in the context of the development of a national capital framework programme currently under active consideration within my Department.
