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Anti-Terrorism Proposals.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 March 2004

Wednesday, 24 March 2004

Questions (122)

Paudge Connolly


122 Mr. Connolly asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his proposals in light of the recent terrorist attacks in Madrid, to prevent similar attacks being carried out here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9348/04]

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On 19 March, I chaired an extraordinary meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union at which a draft declaration on combating terrorism was agreed and forwarded for consideration at the meeting of the European Council scheduled for 25 March. The draft declaration contains a range of measures aimed at enhancing member states' responses at Union level to the terrorist threat arising from the Madrid bombings.

Within a domestic context, I am informed by the Garda authorities that the Garda organisation maintains an up to date assessment of the threat of attacks against this State from international terrorist groupings through analysis of intelligence gathered from domestic and international sources.

In the latter regard, I am further informed that the Garda Síochána has developed excellent lines of communication and co-operation with police forces and security services in the European Union and further afield. I understand that this ongoing sharing of intelligence enables a rapid operational response to be put in place where circumstances so warrant.
