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Medical Care Abroad.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 March 2004

Tuesday, 30 March 2004

Questions (294)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


408 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Health and Children if the E111 certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind during a stay in an EU member state is valid and operable for Irish citizens travelling to Lourdes in France. [10026/04]

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Form E111 provides entitlement to immediate necessary medical treatment during a temporary stay in an European Union or European Economic Area member state on the same basis as if the person was an insured resident of that member state. It is important to note that in some instances accessing these services may incur a charge, however such charges would be in line with charges imposed on residents of that country. Temporary stays are periods where a person cannot be considered resident in a member state under that country's legislation.

The E111 is available from health boards and health authorities and all persons ordinarily resident in Ireland are eligible to obtain this form. This covers public treatment only and any person who opts for private treatment is liable for any expenses incurred. It is important to remember that the E111 may not cover all one's medical expenses. As the hospital in the Grotto, Lourdes is a private hospital, the E111 form will not be accepted to cover emergency treatment. However, the E111 form is accepted at the public hospital in the town of Lourdes.
