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Social and Affordable Housing.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 March 2004

Tuesday, 30 March 2004

Questions (359)

Tony Gregory


472 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if the differential rent system applied in social housing schemes by housing associations complies in all respects with the system used by local authorities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9745/04]

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Rents of their own dwellings are determined by individual local authorities, and rents payable by their tenants will therefore vary according to the local authority area in which the house is located. There is no requirement on local authorities to include a ceiling in their rent schemes although some authorities do so.

Under the terms of the voluntary housing capital loan and subsidy scheme, the rent payable to an approved housing body, by a tenant, is calculated in accordance with a formula set out in the scheme and is based on household and subsidiary income in the previous tax year. There is no maximum on the rent payable in such cases. However, the contribution to the rent by each subsidiary earner is subject to a maximum of €25.39 per week. The application of the rent formula as set out in the scheme may be modified, at the discretion of the approved housing body, in particular respects where the approved housing body considers this appropriate.

In determining rents under the voluntary housing capital assistance scheme, approved bodies are expected to have regard to the tenant's income and the outlay of the body on the accommodation, including ongoing costs of its management and maintenance.
