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Industrial Disputes.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 1 April 2004

Thursday, 1 April 2004

Questions (92)

Seán Crowe


92 Mr. Crowe asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he will report on the steps he has taken to end the dispute at An Post. [10327/04]

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The Labour Relations Commission has issued a framework document to An Post and the Communications Workers Union with a view to finding a resolution to the current difficulties. I understand that this document has been accepted by An Post and is still being considered by the CWU. Extensive contacts have been undertaken over the course of the last week involving all the major stakeholders, including the LRC, to find a basis on which both sides could commence negotiations. While this latest step represents significant progress, the challenge in finding a basis on which the LRC could get involved is an indication of how complex and deep seated the issues are and nobody should underestimate the difficulty of finding a resolution to the current dispute.

For my part, I emphasise that the Government and I are fully committed to the An Post ESOP in the context of the implementation of a recovery strategy for the company and provided that the terms of the agreement are complied with. It is clear that An Post customers are suffering serious inconvenience as a result of the dispute and companies which operate in a highly competitive business environment cannot afford any loss in competitiveness arising from an industrial relations issue outside their control.

Furthermore, the An Post financial position is such that a prolonged dispute could cause serious financial damage to the company. Fundamentally, An Post needs to restructure and needs to return to a firm financial footing if it is to be a strong player in the Irish postal market and to continue to provide quality services to customers and sustainable employment for staff. The recovery strategy approved by the board of An Post sets out the basis on which the company, in partnership with the trade unions, can move forward.
