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School Accommodation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 April 2004

Tuesday, 6 April 2004

Questions (147)

Joan Burton


232 Ms Burton asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the serious concerns being expressed by parents about the availability of places at a school (details supplied) in Dublin 15, for September 2004 and September 2005, and the number of children who may not obtain places in the school; when the permanent building will proceed; and the number of children the school is expected to cater for. [10582/04]

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The proposed new school for Mary Mother of Hope NS, Littlepace, Clonee, Dublin 15, is listed in section 1 of the 2004 school building programme which is published on my Department's website at Tenders for the project were recently received and it is estimated that the project will go on site in June 2004. The project is for a 16 classroom school. When the project is completed, it is anticipated that the new building together with the high quality prefabricated structure currently in place will cater for 700 pupils.

Officials in the school planning section of my Department are continually monitoring the demand for primary school places in the Clonee — Ongar area. Mary Mother of Hope NS will continue to be supported with additional temporary accommodation until the permanent building is in place to ensure that an adequate amount of pupil places is available to meet any emerging demand.
