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Registration of Title.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 April 2004

Tuesday, 6 April 2004

Questions (251)

Michael Ring


342 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, further to Parliamentary Question No. 510 of 23 March 2004, the reason a dealing number (details supplied) was dealt with in 2002. [10557/04]

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I refer the Deputy to my previous answer to Question No. 510 of 23 March 2004 in which he enquired about dealing No. D2001SM05844A. This dealing was associated with D2001SM005843Y, inadvertently quoted by the Land Registry as D2003SM005843Y in that response. The Registrar of Titles has confirmed that both these applications were completed on 29 July 2002. The Registrar of Titles is unaware of any error in relation to these registrations.

I am informed that a further application for a transfer of part was lodged on 10 October 2002 on the folio referred to by the Deputy. Dealing No. D2002SM009008W refers. I am further informed by the Registrar of Titles that the matter has been expedited and is receiving attention in the Land Registry.
