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Prison Management.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 April 2004

Tuesday, 6 April 2004

Questions (271)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


362 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will report on his restructuring of the management of Shelton Abbey and Loughan House; and the person who is running these institutions. [10893/04]

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Proposals to close the open centres at Loughan House and Shelton Abbey, which are currently operating under the control of a prison governor, are being kept under continuing review in the light of progress in the talks with the Prison Officers' Association under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission. I have already indicated that, in the event of the closures going ahead, the intention is to transform these two open centres into post release centres for the reintegration into society of prisoners on conditional temporary release. Neither of the two centres would be under the control of the Irish Prison Service.
