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Mental Health Funding.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 11 May 2004

Tuesday, 11 May 2004

Questions (242)

John Gormley


273 Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Health and Children the percentage of the overall health budget that is allocated to the area of mental health; the percentage that is used for research into conditions such as bipolar depression and schizophrenia; and the reason mental health charities such as Aware do not receive State funding. [13360/04]

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The Estimate for mental health expenditure in 2004 is €661.35 million or 6.69% of the total health budget as stated in the Revised Estimates for Public Services 2004.

In 2003 the health research board expended approximately €1.6 million on mental health research. This year it will spend the same amount. I have requested the board to provide the Deputy with a detailed list of research projects.

The Mental Health Commission has indicated that it intends to develop and publish a research strategy. It also intends to create a database and web links for individuals and organisations interested in mental health research. The aims of the network will be to promote and facilitate mental health research, to obtain information on current and past research and to disseminate information and research on service innovations and best practice models.

At present the department of psychiatry, Trinity College, Dublin, is researching possible genetic influences on the development of schizophrenic illness. More information regarding the study is available from the college.

Support for the work of voluntary agencies such as Aware is a key element of the mental health funding provided by my Department. This year more than €3.8 million is available to the voluntary agencies for their work in the field of mental health.
