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Veterinary Qualifications.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 May 2004

Wednesday, 12 May 2004

Questions (94)

Bernard J. Durkan


113 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason persons (details supplied) in County Kildare are not allowed to practice here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13809/04]

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Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1931, as amended, responsibility for entry of persons on the register of veterinary surgeons for Ireland rests with the Veterinary Council. I understand that the persons referred to have not made any application for registration to that body.

Under current legislation, the council may only enter on the register applicants who hold an appropriate qualification from an EU member state or from countries within the European Economic Area. Arrangements are also in place under EU reciprocal arrangements for recognition of third country qualifications where these have already been recognised in another EU member state. I understand that persons holding third country veterinary qualifications not already recognised in another member state may obtain the requisite Irish veterinary qualification in order to practice in this country from University College Dublin on successful completion of a period of study stipulated by that body which takes account of their existing level of qualification. On the basis of the available information, I understand that the persons referred to do not fulfil any of the above criteria.

I have obtained Government approval for the drafting of legislation to replace the current body of legislation regulating the veterinary profession. This legislation will comprehensively update and modernise regulation of the profession across a range of areas, including recognition of persons who have a qualification from outside the EU. While certain inflexibilities in regard to recognition of such persons will be removed, it is my intention that recognition should be contingent on the Veterinary Council being satisfied that the third country qualifications are adequate for the purpose of practice as veterinary surgeon in Ireland and where this is not the case, that further training stipulated by the council should be undertaken. I am anxious that the drafting of this legislation be finalised at an early date so that it can be published before the summer recess.
