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Human Rights Issues.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 13 May 2004

Thursday, 13 May 2004

Questions (113)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


113 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the case of a person (details supplied) who is serving a 16 year murder sentence in England and to the fact that serious questions have been raised regarding the evidence and the manner in which this case was dealt with by the British justice system; if he has raised or intends to raise the matter with the British authorities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14042/04]

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I am aware of this case and I have met with the family of the person in question. On my instructions, the case continues to be closely monitored by my Department through the Irish Embassy in London. The embassy in London remains in contact with both the person himself and his solicitor. I understand that the solicitor is still seeking appropriate grounds on which either to lodge an appeal against conviction or to seek to have the case reopened. This is against the background where the person in question pleaded guilty at his original trial and was given a mandatory sentence.

I can assure the Deputy that my Department will continue to keep in contact with the person concerned, his solicitor and his family, and to provide all appropriate consular assistance and advice. I will consider whether there is any further action that I might take when the legal position has been clarified.
