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International Agreements.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 19 May 2004

Wednesday, 19 May 2004

Questions (90)

Seymour Crawford


78 Mr. Crawford asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if during Ireland’s Presidency of the European Union discussions have been held with the United States of America with regard to the International Criminal Court; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14520/04]

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As the Deputy will be aware, the United States of America has differing views from Ireland and its EU partners on the International Criminal Court, ICC. The United States has stated its opposition to the court, has declared its intention not to ratify its statute and seeks to have its nationals exempted from the court's jurisdiction, while Ireland and the EU are committed to the effective functioning of the court, the integrity of its statute and the widest possible ratification and implementation thereof. In this regard, I would refer the Deputy to my reply to Parliamentary Question No. 4314 of 12 February last. No discussions have been held with the US on the ICC in the period mentioned by the Deputy.
