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Human Rights Issues.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 19 May 2004

Wednesday, 19 May 2004

Questions (93)

Gay Mitchell


82 Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on the recent meetings held with Vice President Santos of Colombia; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14530/04]

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Mr. Francisco Santos Calderón, Vice President of Colombia, visited Ireland on 22 and 23 March as part of a tour of a number of European countries in preparation for this year's session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, CHR, which took place in Geneva from 15 March to 23 April and also in order to discuss Colombia's overall relations with the European Union.

During his visit to Dublin, the vice-president met the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste and officials in my Department. I was unable personally to meet the vice-president because of my participation in the General Affairs and External Relations Council on 22 March and meetings in Northern Ireland on 23 March.

I understand that the vice-president also held meetings with the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs, a number of non-governmental organisations working in Colombia, as well as representatives of the Bring them Home Campaign and family members of the three Irishmen on trial in Colombia.

As well as discussing general EU-Colombia relations and human rights with Vice President Santos, the Taoiseach also took the opportunity to raise the question of the welfare of the three Irishmen detained in Colombia. The main matter covered in discussions in my Department was the human rights situation in Colombia. Vice President Santos outlined the significant improvement in the situation in 2003 as evidenced by: a significant reduction in the overall murder rate; in murders of trade unionists and other particularly vulnerable groups; in massacres of civilians; in forced displacements; in attacks against towns; and in kidnappings and hostage-taking. The vice president acknowledged, however, that notwithstanding these achievements, the level and frequency of such grave crimes continues to be extremely high.

In line with EU policy as set out in the conclusions of the General Affairs Council of 26 January 2004, the Irish side conveyed to the Vice President our concern at some aspects of the Colombian Government's policies, for example the granting of certain judicial powers to the security forces and the failure to fully implement all the specific recommendations made in 2003 by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

At the subsequent discussion in the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, the chairperson's statement on Colombia acknowledged the deepening dialogue between the Colombian Government, in particular thorough the Office of Vice-President Santos, and the offices of the High Commissioner in Colombia. It recognised the Government's co-operation with United Nations bodies and noted its commitment to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict. However, the chairperson emphasised the need for greater progress on the part of the Government in the following areas: the achievement of a solution to the conflict, particularly in relation to the issue of the demobilisation of illegal armed groups; alleged collusion between members of the public service and illegal armed groups; and the fulfilment of its obligations under various international human rights instruments.
