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Departmental Staff.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2004

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Questions (110)

John Bruton


110 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of times he has issued written directions to his Secretary General, within the meaning of sections 4 to 6 of the Public Service Management Act, 1997; and the nature and purpose of each such direction. [14947/04]

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Written answers

Under the Public Service Management Act, 1997, Ministers have the following responsibilities: determining the policies to be implemented by the Department, in the light of the overall environment in which the Department operates, the programme for Government and the ongoing business of the Department; ensuring that the key departmental goals and objectives are appropriate to achieve those policies; determining, with the Secretary General, the results to be delivered to meet those goals and objectives; ensuring that strategies and systems are in place and operational to enable the Department to meet its goals and objectives and to deliver its services effectively; approving the strategy statement, with or without amendment, as the basis on which the Department is to be managed over the relevant time period; ensuring that proper arrangements have been made in the Department for the implementation and monitoring of the new management structure, in particular through delegation by the secretary general, under the Public Service Management Act; and accounting to Dáil Éireann for the administration of the Department.

Sections 4 to 6 of the Act devolve authority, responsibility and accountability to secretaries general for carrying out certain duties and management functions, including preparing and submitting strategy statements and providing progress reports to the Minister. Section 7 of the Act provides Ministers with powers of written direction to a secretary general in regard to his or her functions, excluding matters relating to the appointment, performance, discipline and dismissal of staff below the grade of principal or its equivalent.

I have not given any written directions to the Secretary General of the Department of Foreign Affairs under the provisions of the Public Service Management Act, 1997. However, all issues of policy, including goals and objectives, are regularly discussed by me with the secretary general.
